
Custom Season 7

13 mins 2023
1 2 3 4 5
0 | ratings
Seasons: 8765432

Pro skaters get together in Oslo's for the Torshov event, a skateboard jam that overrunning Norway's capital.

Rune Glifberg, Yam Bahar, Trey Woodand

Episode Details
Synopsis Rune Glifberg, Yam Bahar, Trey Woodand, and Liam Pace are four attendees of the Torshov event, in Oslo, Norway, a full open-to-everybody skateboard jam that takes over the city staging multiple street, vert, and mini ramp sessions. The Torshov jam is all about hanging out with all the homies, skating around, having a good time.
Athletes Rune Glifberg, Yam Bahar, Trey Woodand, Liam Pace
Director Marco Savino
Writer Marco Savino
Studio Ethnology Media
Rating not rated
Runtime 13 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English, Japanese, German, Breton, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Swedish, Finnish, Russian
Stream HD | 1920x1080