It's Not Only About Waves

Art & Culture 18 mins 2019
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 6 ratings

It's not only about Waves is a glimpse of Kepa Acero and Eva Diez's African adventure after deciding to deliver surfboards to local kids to teach them this art.

Kepa Acero, Eva Diez

Movie Details
Synopsis It's not only about Waves is a glimpse of Kepa Acero and Eva Diez's African adventure after deciding to deliver surfboards to local kids to teach them this art. This medium-length project could not have been named more rightly; even if the swell (and the boards) make Kepa wait, it's nothing but positive experiences from the beginning.
Athletes Kepa Acero, Eva Diez
Genres Surfing Art & Culture, Surfing Documentaries, Surf Travel Movies
Studio Fuel TV
Rating not rated
Runtime 18 mins
Language English | Stereo
Captions English, English
Stream HD | 1920x1080